The Status of Women in Arizona

Arizona Foundation for Women invests in reputable research to inform all our decisions. In this way we can educate Arizonans and direct investments that can help create a better life for Arizona's women and children. Every three to four years, we present a detailed research report on the Status of Women in Arizona. In between new reports, we work to produce a one-page snap shot summary.

The Reach

Our goal is to get this research shared throughout the state. In-person presentations along with a copy with the book can be requested by emailing Kylie Staples-Kallis at

The Result

Having great data that will support, improve an equalize the status of women only is useful when implement to drive positive and effective change. This research can be used in many facets. Below is a list to get you thinking.

  • Speak with local legislatures to help promote change. The more people pushing the women and children agenda constitutes change.

  • Not just consider, but actually promote women as leaders in the workforce and employ for positions usually dominated by men.

  • Provide equal pay for equal skills and experience as men.

  • Consider the positive financial impact on the economy when women are paid higher and equal wages. The Greater Phoenix Economic Council shares that estimated parity in labor force participation and sector for women in Arizona could increase Gross Domestic Product between 10 -15% by 2025.

  • Encourage young girls to complete high school and attend post secondary school or university.

  • Support and encourage women-owned business and entrepreneurs.

  • Encourage women to focus on their overall health

  • Volunteer for nonprofit organizations providing prevention and support services that affect women and children. Nonprofits cannot do it alone.