2024 SHE Leads!™ Program
SHE Leads!™ is Arizona Foundation for Women’s (AFW) leadership development program designed to advance more women into leadership positions. This program is a 9-month commitment to include program orientation, a fundraising workshop and six months of scheduled curriculum.
Key program elements
Training: Six formal in person training sessions focus on teaching personal, professional and organizational leadership capabilities, all of which are critically important to advancing in a leadership role. Sessions will be held in person in the Phoenix Metro area.
A professional toolkit including a a personalized relationship strengths inventory for each participant.
Monthly one-on-one meetings with your mentor.
Presentations from local nonprofits on their work benefitting women in the state, and the opportunity for the collective cohort to select organizations to receive grant awards.
The Curriculum
Module 1: Know Thyself: Self-Awareness is Key
Learn about your Core Strengths™ based on an individual assessment.
Module 2: Know Your Worth
Strategies to shift into a growth mindset while elevating your brand and having greater confidence in your value.
Module 3: Heartfelt Leadership
Leverage performance management methods and coaching techniques to drive greater employee performance.
Module 4: Building High-Performing Teams
Learn the attributes of high performing, engaged teams, identify the needs at each stage of team development and understand the leadership actions to create a thriving environment.
Module 5: Cultural Awareness
Strategies to understand and build a diverse and inclusive culture where people are intrinsically motivated.
Module 6: Leading Through Business Change
Elements of the natural change cycle and the importance of business acumen and leveraging your influence.
Program Costs, Requirements and Expectations
Program Costs
$25 Application Fee due when application is submitted
$400 Tuition Fee
Each participant is responsible for satisfying the minimum fundraising requirement of $2,000 in order to remain in the program and graduate. This fundraising aspect helps us to keep tuition affordable and accessible to more women, and provides an opportunity for graduates to pay it forward by granting the funds raised to women serving nonprofits in our state. If your fundraising requirement is being funded by your employer, you are personally responsible for satisfying an additional fundraising requirement of $500 in order to remain in the program and graduate. Training and resources will be provided for those in need of fundraising assistance.
Fundraising Schedule (not including credit card fees paid by donor.)
20% by February 1, 2024 ($400/$100)
40% by March 1, 2024 ($800/$200)
60% by April 1, 2024 ($1,200/$300)
80% by May 1, 2024 ($1,600/ $400)
100% by June 2, 2024 ($2,000/ $500)
Program Participation and Graduation Requirements
$2,000 minimum fundraising requirement, $2,500 if $2,000 requirement is being paid by a company.
Attend five of the six monthly program sessions
Meet monthly (Jan.-June) one on one with your mentor for at least one hour.
CONGRATULATIONS to our 2024 SHE Leads!™ Cohort
The Impact of SHE Leads!™
“Through the program I was able to unlock some of the tools I needed to increase my growth mindset and advocate for myself—which lead to an eventual promotion at work! I was growing personally during the program, but I was also energized by the idea that our cohort was helping other women advance themselves through our philanthropic funding.”
“SHE Leads! has shaped me into a leader. When I entered the program, I was not in a leadership role. I figured the program would provide me with largely theoretical information. However, now that I am in a leadership role, I am actively utilizing what I have learned.
I wish my teenage self could see me now. I never thought I would blossom as I have.”
Frequently asked questions
Click on the boxes below to read the answers to these commonly asked questions