purchase your 2022 tee off fore women raffle tickets here!

The purchase form below allows you the opportunity to select which package(s) you would like your tickets entered in. For example, if you purchase Five (5) tickets, you can select 5 different items, put all 5 tickets towards one item, or mix entries between packages. 

If you purchase a package of Ten (10) Raffle tickets for $150.00, we will double the number of tickets entered for your five selections. For example, if you select package #3 for all 5 ticket selections, you will have 10 tickets entered for that package. If you select one ticket for package #1, two for package #3, and two for package #4, then you will have the following entered: #1: two tickets, #3: four tickets, #4: four tickets.


If you need to reference the details of each raffle package again to make your selection, click the button below.